
What was New - Mar/Apr 1996

April 30, 1996

The onscreen credits for "Sic Transit Vir" are online.

April 29, 1996
Poll 5 results for "A Late Delivery from Avalon" are available.

April 28, 1996
A synopsis of "Sic Transit Vir" is online.

The guide page for "Ship of Tears" has been fleshed out.

April 24, 1996
A synopsis of "Ceremonies of Light and Dark" is available.

April 23, 1996
Poll 5 results for "Sic Transit Vir" are available.

April 22, 1996
Since so many people see the episodes on weekends, starting next week the "This Week's Episode" link will switch on Tuesday morning rather than Monday morning. That'll give people a chance to check the guide page for the episode they've just seen without having to hit an extra page.

April 21, 1996
A new version of the news/schedule part of the B5 FAQ is online.

April 19, 1996
Hyperion has switched to a new Internet service provider. You should notice substantially faster performance, though initial accesses to the Guide might be slow until our updated nameserver records have been propogated. (If that's gibberish to you, don't worry about it!)

The onscreen credits for "Ceremonies of Light and Dark" are available.

April 18, 1996
Erik Oliver's guide page for novel #5, "The Touch of Your Shadow, the Whisper of Your Name" is online.

April 15, 1996
Poll 5 results for "Ceremonies of Light and Dark" are available.

April 13, 1996
New versions of the general and news/schedule parts of the B5 FAQ are online.

April 12, 1996
A synopsis of "Severed Dreams" is available, as are the onscreen credits.

April 8, 1996
Poll 5 results for "Severed Dreams" are available. It is easily the highest-rated episode so far.

April 7, 1996
A transcript of yesterday's real-time conference with JMS on CompuServe is available.

April 3, 1996
UK users can access the new ftp.hyperion.com mirror at www.cant.ac.uk.

April 2, 1996
Several official press releases about the show are available.

March 27, 1996
Updated all the links on guest stars' names in the episode guide to point to the official location of the Internet Movie Database.

March 21, 1996
An updated summary of the Poll 5 results is available.

March 19, 1996
A new mirror site in Greece is online.

The writers/directors list has been updated.

March 18, 1996
The Babylon 5 FAQ has been split into five separate files, and expanded with new material from the Lurker's Guide and elsewhere.

A revised version of the season 3 appearances chart is online.

March 16, 1996
An updated version of the discussion of parallels between B5 and the works of H. P. Lovecraft is available on the FTP server, as is an HTML version.

March 12, 1996
A new version of the station address list is online.

March 7, 1996
A nicer, HTMLized version of the Poll 5 results summary is online.

March 5, 1996
Poll 5 results for "Point of No Return" are available.

March 4, 1996
A new version of the station address list is online.

March 3, 1996
The onscreen credits for "Point of No Return" have been transcribed.

March 2, 1996
A synopsis of "Point of No Return" is available.

March 1, 1996
Hyperion is running new Web server software. Please let us know if you see problems.

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